Voracity's New Realms
New Realms of Imaginings

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We are the home of 1 author - Voracity.
There are 203 stories consisting of 486 chapters and 7315386 words.


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Where It All Began. FRT
Where It All Began with the future bisexual disaster team members. And a fairly...

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Old Ones 61: School Trips for Future Old Ones. FRT
Sometimes people just don't like Dawn. Which usually makes Dawn show her butt...

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Name: goblin214 (Signed) · Date: 08/24/2023 04:01 pm · For: More Xander Convention Stuff Happens.
AHHHH you giant evil tease, can't wait to see how having the book of xanders helps and the problems it causes and the new president story.

Author's Response: the new president story gets it at the end of the story, after he's left office. so not a lot there. but i'm glad you liked my evil teasing. the other mentioned is the story that will not end, the longest story ever told.

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