Voracity's New Realms
New Realms of Imaginings

Site Info

We are the home of 1 author - Voracity.
There are 239 stories consisting of 555 chapters and 8198320 words.


Most Recent

When Family Finds You. FRT
Xander and Darcy meet because she's self-rescuing and he's rescuing mini slayers...

Random Story

The Minister of Getting It Done. FRC
Continuing the drama of the Minister for Magic and all that she has to get done...

Other Sites


Due to the end of the world/time starting over, we've had to move realms and dimensions. Now there's whole new dimensions and realms to warp, write about, and dream up.

Site News

Groups change

Due to the instability in Yahoo Groups, and the inability to get any posts through, we have moved the group to Groups.io. The subscribe link for the group is: Imaginings+subscribe@groups.io .

We picked this one due to the multiple features that we've enjoyed using before and the fact that you have multiple sign in options instead of having to have a groups.io site account. Their site mandates that people start out moderated but I override that as soon as I see a new member.

The new list does have a transfer application but it's backed up right now thanks to that same problem at Yahoo Groups so I'm going to be leaving the old list alive for now.

As always, email me at the address I've got in the 'email Vo' link if you have questions or concerns.

by Voracity on 04/30/2018 06:44 pm

Spammers Beware!

Because of the daily spam reviews I've had to delete repeatedly, usually on one story, I've begun another round of locking spammer accounts today. We're looking into how to stop them from signing on so we don't have to do this again next year. Please report it to me if you find spam reviews so I can lock them out and delete the reviews.

If I accidentally got a real person let me know so I can fix it. Thanks!


by Voracity on 05/29/2017 05:28 am

New Site!

Due to the troubles a few of us had with the old site's fonts, and so I can update more often, we're going to be moving all the new stories here. This will make it a lot easier on me to upload stories more often without having to do a full website update.

All old stories will still stay at the old page so you can reread them.

So happy reading, people, and I hope you enjoy the new stuff.


You will need to create a new login for this site, as it will be required for any stories rated higher than FRT.

by Voracity on 12/09/2012 06:51 am