Reviews For Same Old Dance, Different Venue.
Name: cacaliadragon (Signed) · Date: 08/04/2016 07:14 pm · For: Part 2
I love that so many people actually showed up your help this time . Xander hitting Fury in the eye with the fake knife was awesome. Plus I adore Xander’s relationship with Clint and Natasha.
Author's Response: he does get on good with most of the avengers team, and they do get on well as friends at least in later parts too. and yeah, when you look into hell and have to fight your way into it and then out of it, nick fury is a whiny man.
Name: goblin214 (Signed) · Date: 08/04/2016 04:24 pm · For: Part 1
Loved this, really loved Bearpool.
Author's Response: yeah, bearpool is kinda fun.