Voracity's New Realms
New Realms of Imaginings

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We are the home of 1 author - Voracity.
There are 233 stories consisting of 537 chapters and 7981376 words.


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Name: cacaliadragon (Signed) · Date: 02/28/2013 04:34 pm · For: Part 2
Okay I know why Dawn isn't happy, because lets face it Nat and Clint are ignoring her like usual. Even though she is accepting it, it makes me want to slap both of them.

However, I would like to know why Xander is unhappy. Is something going on between him and Phil?


Author's Response: Phil's been doing a lot of overtime, which is a subtle ploy that won't be showing up until later when fury pushes his limits too far. the dawn/clint/natasha thing will be somewhat fixed in the next part, where they have the major fight they've been working up to. phil will really start to regret all the hours he's been working because he's missing xander and the kids. so it'll work itself out sometime before part 60.

Name: Monika (Signed) · Date: 02/27/2013 07:59 pm · For: Part 2
A bit depressing, but i like it....
I am curious about the potion...

Author's Response: the potion is really ancient and is to help hold off the labor for a week. she'll be fine but there is a fight coming up. a very long fight coming up. then it gets back to a more even footing without the favortism. but i'm glad you liked it. vo

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