Reviews For Lineage of the Damned 4: Back To Your Roots.
Name: KittyDresden (Signed) · Date: 06/12/2013 06:53 pm · For: Lineage of the Damned 4: Back To Your Roots.
Love this, though my favourite bit is when the librarian is discribing the whole Xander-Jesse-Willow relationships, can totally see this just wish that Willow would get a permenant wake up call though Willow isn't really equiped to handle or accept it.
Author's Response: i'm not sure what's going to happen to willow yet. other than they're trying very hard to keep themselves from burning her.and yeah, the librarian was great at explaining things. maybe sometime soon gretel will get it. glad you liked it. vo
Name: cacaliadragon (Signed) · Date: 06/12/2013 08:48 am · For: Lineage of the Damned 4: Back To Your Roots.
Gretel really is a jealous bitch. I love how they managed to stop Wilkins and how they are working to protect Sam from Azazel. I look forward to seeing what happens next.
p.s if your really bored you could try reading Xanzpet over on archive of our own. He's got a lot of really good fic and it was easy to follow along, even in the universes that I know nothing about.
Author's Response: she can be. he's finally finding someone who can keep his attention and hunt with him like his sister did, and she's watching it like it's penance. so yeah, she's had some jealous moments. but sometimes she helps xander prank hansel. he writes xander/vampires the last time i saw him posting something and i can't *stand* that. ewww! but thanks for the rec. i'll see if he has something that's not. so far i've finished something else today.
Name: white_Sin (Signed) · Date: 06/11/2013 07:30 pm · For: Lineage of the Damned 4: Back To Your Roots.
Author's Response: thank you.