Reviews For The Imperfect Son.
Name: darkmoonriseing (Signed) · Date: 12/21/2023 08:38 am · For: Part 3
That was adorable ?
Author's Response: Thank you!
Name: RedPat (Signed) · Date: 03/31/2014 09:55 am · For: Part1
Excellent! I'm always so excited when the chapter counter goes up, and having a completed story makes it that much better. I don't remember seeing a Buckaroo Bonzai crossover before, very nicely done based on what I remember of the movie.
Author's Response: i've found very few stories in that fandom at all, which is weird. maybe they were more common when the movie/book/graphic novel came out. the movie was running earlier this month on the retro movie station so i got to see most of it more than once.but i'm glad you liked it. vo
Name: erik (Signed) · Date: 03/30/2014 08:19 pm · For: Part 3
Another great fun blast from the past, well done.
Author's Response: thank you, glad you liked it. vo
Name: white_Sin (Signed) · Date: 03/30/2014 02:42 pm · For: Part 3
lol, sweet
Author's Response: thank you