Voracity's New Realms
New Realms of Imaginings

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We are the home of 1 author - Voracity.
There are 233 stories consisting of 537 chapters and 7981376 words.


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Harry didn't live. So why are there books about Harry Potter?

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Old Ones 62: Playing Old Ones. FRT
Bikinis are a right of passage, a trial of faith, and an emotional coaster...

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Name: erik (Signed) · Date: 04/30/2014 05:29 pm · For: Part 3
A great story but I think this one should have been named "Second Act of Chaos."

Author's Response: he is a little chaos source.

Name: cacaliadragon (Signed) · Date: 04/29/2014 05:18 pm · For: Part 3

I loved this, Xander was so cute in how he was helping them to not get hurt and how he imprinted on the team, especially Clint.  I am glad that Fury got over his stupidity and went practical on protecting Alex and the Avengers.




Author's Response: alex does grow on one, even on his father. he'll have a lot of fun protecting them. even when he does have to deal with willow showing up sometime later.

Name: cacaliadragon (Signed) · Date: 04/29/2014 05:12 pm · For: Part 3

I loved this, Xander was so cute in how he was helping them to not get hurt and how he imprinted on the team, especially Clint.  I am glad that Fury got over his stupidity and went practical on protecting Alex and the Avengers.




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