Reviews For Congrats On The Family You Built.
Name: cacaliadragon (Signed) · Date: 09/10/2014 11:58 am · For: Part 2
Thanks for giving me something to read and concentrate on other than the pain from my surgery. I really love this series, but I admit that the only two I can see together with Bucky involved is Bucky and Steve if Steve is not going to be with Pepper and Tony.
I really loved that they were able to save Natalie and the biting electronics.
Author's Response: i really liked the biting electronics too. and especially imagining dru's reaction when one tried to bite her.i'm glad i could help distract you from the pain. though, i actually can see steve/bucky/darcy because she's like the lube to get them up and moving and handling things again. i don't know what's going to happen for future pairings though. we'll both have to wait and see what the muses come up with. feel better soon, hun. vo