Voracity's New Realms
New Realms of Imaginings

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We are the home of 1 author - Voracity.
There are 239 stories consisting of 555 chapters and 8198320 words.


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When Family Finds You. FRT
Xander and Darcy meet because she's self-rescuing and he's rescuing mini slayers...

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[Reviews - 1] Printer

Summary: Willow decides that they need more people for graduation's battle. Unfortunately, she didn't plan on how to put them back together again. So the newest Xander has to find his own way in the world.
Rating: FRT
Category: Buffy Stories & Crossovers > CSI/NCIS
Characters: None
Series: None
Chapter: 12 Completed: Yes
Words: 188797 Read: 167003
Published: 02/15/2023 Updated: 02/15/2023

Story notes:
Someone wanted me to put up stuff for Evil Author Day so.....
1. Part 1 by Voracity2 [Reviews - 0] (16853 words)

2. Part 2 by Voracity2 [Reviews - 0] (17155 words)

3. Part 3 by Voracity2 [Reviews - 0] (17836 words)

4. Part 4 by Voracity2 [Reviews - 0] (16463 words)

5. Part 5 by Voracity2 [Reviews - 0] (17805 words)

6. Part 6 by Voracity2 [Reviews - 0] (15818 words)

7. Part 7 by Voracity2 [Reviews - 0] (17262 words)

8. Part 8 by Voracity2 [Reviews - 0] (14970 words)

9. Part 9 by Voracity2 [Reviews - 0] (15052 words)

10. Part 10 by Voracity2 [Reviews - 0] (16480 words)

11. Part 11 by Voracity2 [Reviews - 0] (17220 words)

12. Part 12 by Voracity2 [Reviews - 1] (5883 words)