Voracity's New Realms
New Realms of Imaginings

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We are the home of 1 author - Voracity.
There are 211 stories consisting of 496 chapters and 7433750 words.


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A Femme Fatale? Maybe. FRT
Darcy and Jane have to be guarded from SHIELD, HYDRA, and others. So she leans...

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Tales From A Half Lewis/Half Harris Set of Siblings. FRT
Some chaos from the weird siblings. Much of it that is worrying to others.

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[Reviews - 6] Printer

Summary: Coulson's healing. Things are a bit weird around Xander. Then another GHS him comes to visit to check on him and help him with the weird things plus teach him what minions are for.
Rating: FRT
Category: Buffy Stories & Crossovers > Avengers
Characters: None
Series: Chaos GHS
Chapter: 1 Completed: Yes
Words: 19766 Read: 27298
Published: 08/01/2014 Updated: 08/01/2014

1. Minions of Chaos. by Voracity2 [Reviews - 6] (19766 words)