Voracity's New Realms
New Realms of Imaginings

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Sensible but Problematic. FRT
Some women have sense they've inherited. Some women have urges they want to...

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For Want of Something Done.

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Chapter notes:
Yes, Xander's getting a bit militant here. He's just really done with all that stuff.
Xander walked into his house that night, staring at the agent. "Agent Toliver. Problems?"

"Few things. You flip houses?"

"I make them for specific communities. The current one is meant for a pack group. I've got it offered to a few in the area." He sat down. "You broke in here to ask about my real estate?"

"The FBI knows that certain types of people could use that same sort of protections."

Xander nodded. "It won't help someone who's turned evidence on the mob and they don't call on demons," he said. "No one even a bit religious would."

"We've only seen it happen once and that may have been a wish demon," Agent Toliver said. "If so...?"

"Ask. I do some charitable work every year for people that draw attention like I do."

"That's fine." He cleared his throat, shifting some. "The supervising agents in the local bureau wanted to know what's in your vault. They were considering getting a warrant."

Xander shook his head. "Some of it can't be identified because even writing the name could try to summon it."

"That's bad."

"Which is why I'm keeping it away from others."

"There's some worry due to your past."

Xander stared at him. "Which part of my past? The one where I was helping the slayer in Sunnydale? The one where I've kept problems out of LA when even Angel couldn't?"

"The part where you put out apocalypse kits."

"Usually to counter one that was already going on," Xander said dryly.

"But not always?"

"No, a few were to draw someone who was in the way of things. The stupid, lazy sort that would've given me a lot more work."

"We've subpoenaed the list of who bought those. Does your boyfriend know about his brother's two?"

"He knows about one. The other one was to summon a higher level djinn sort of spirit."

"That figures. It has taken out a lot of people that could have caused problems."

Xander smiled. "The other hunters would never understand that. A lot of them think in black and white. They see me as evil because I'm not fully good and never was. Hunters aren't white lighters. It's a blind spot that's making me move."

"Can we go over how normal people can't get into your vault? Without disclosing any secretive things like which runes, but just the layers on it?"

Xander considered it then nodded. "I can do that. First, there's a security system on the house. It extends all over the house, including my work area. There's specifically heightened areas in it that work as an alarm in case someone sneaks in while I'm working. There's alarms if anyone who isn't wearing a certain chip passes by some sensors. After that is a physical deterrent charm. It's in three parts on each of the two vulnerable areas. So if I have to hit the safe room near the vault room, it'll slow them down. We've had to do that twice thanks to hunters."

"Were they stopped from getting into the vault?"

"They didn't want the vault. They wanted to take me out for daring to study runes so I could ward a children's hospital from the demon that was eating the kids in there. Quite a few of them are biased against any sort of magic, even if it's helpful or protective. Then again, those sort don't care if it's eating poor kids either." Toliver grimaced. "Truth, that school that the LAPD let be taken over? Three hunters in the area were asked to handle it by the kids' parents. They refused, said it wasn't their sort of thing since apparently it was a kid sacrificed by their parents. I went on a hell no fit when I heard one say that in front of me and screamed at him about how all kids should be protected by us. Which got me another death threat and another three attempts to take me out. One by your brother. You two look a lot alike."

"He was my first cousin but we did look like twins when we were younger," Agent Toliver said. "Did you hit him?"

"Cordelia." He grinned. "She laid him out with a pretty beautiful punch. I stood there and clapped."

"Did they fix that?"

"No. The LAPD let it happen because they were poor kids and they didn't want to deal with it. I didn't hear about it until that first takeover, when a parent was asking if we could free the other kids." Toliver grimaced. "Yeah. We got them free, it just took almost six months to get them all. As far as I know most of the kids are safe. Maybe a bit dented mentally but safe. The one that her foster parents had tried to sacrifice is with a better set of parents in another state near a group of hunters that has never been that petty or stupid. She's got a set of rune wards on her that mean demons can barely sense her as a human."

"Good. That's great," he said. He shifted again. "Why do you wear containment? A few hunters who aren't stupid wanted to know."

Xander pointed with a grin. "Do you know about hellmouths?"

"Not a bit."

"That's a longer talk. It's why Sunnydale was the way it was before the demons kicked all the humans out to take it over."

"Great. How bad?"

"Very, very bad." He smiled. "Thankfully the only one in a big city is in Cleveland."

"That's a real city, Harris."

"Not my call and that one's never fully opened."

"I'm going to need briefed on that. Is my wire working?"

"No." He got up to get the book, coming back from his work area. He opened it, pointing at a passage. "That's what a hellmouth is."

The agent took it to look over, staring at the description. "Can anywhere form one?"

"No. It has to be a magically weak spot with a mystical energy sinkhole area. Basically it's a pothole of mystical energy. Only it's overgrown."

"Can you draw on that?"

"I don't do traditional magic. Can Rosenburg? Yup. She has been sucking on it like a teat since she figured out she had magic. She's closed it, she's sucked off the magic spilling from it, she's made it love her like the demon on the internet."

"There's a demon on the internet?"

"A teacher at the high school wanted to digitize Giles' books. He had one that was possessed. Those things are released usually by reading them. Scanning it in was enough." He grinned. "He decided Willow was his true mate. He tried to destroy a lot of things, including us, and there's still pieces of him on there. He's virtually stalking her a tiny bit. He contacted me a few months back wondering if she was still alive since she hadn't been online."

Toliver groaned, shaking his head. "Oh, dear."

"Gee, are you British? That was Giles' favorite saying too," Xander quipped with a mean grin.

"Not hardly but I might move."

Xander flipped pages, pointing at one. "There's three shrines to higher demons in England. They could open at any time to release the ones they're consecrated to."

"Good to know." He read that over, going back to the original page to move forward. "A guardian?" he asked, looking up.

"In Sunnydale there's a kraken. They were fighting it the night they sent me away for being useless, which meant I stopped the zombie from blowing them up."

"Is that why you left?"

"Yup. It got to the point where all I got was 'you're useless, go away' so I did." He shrugged. "They wanted it, they got their wish. Then they decided to trash me for it. They were teenage girls. I was a teenage guy. I couldn't deal with it so I walked. I made a plan so I could support myself, the djinn kit, and left." He shrugged. "Now Willow's proclaimed me to be a traitor with those hunters that don't think. She's gotten them to see her way of thinking and they don't see the addiction or the problems she's caused.

"They don't see that teenage girls aren't exactly reliable. You should ask Buffy how she nearly got sacrificed to a demon because she snuck off to a college kegger as a high school student." He pointed. "Your not-blonde hair is in the window," he yelled. Buffy stomped in glaring at him. He stared back. "Next time, pull your hair back." He looked at Agent Toliver. "Also, have you noticed that something's happened in England to the old Council?"

"How would you know?" Buffy demanded. Xander turned on the news, flipping the station to show her. She stared, wincing. "When was that?"

"Last night." He looked at her. "There's two ways that they could get that demon that the news crew caught stomping on someone. One is a bad resurrection." He stared her down. "Which isn't that hard to do, but it takes a lot of power. The second way is to summon it. The seal is in the old hellmouth. They had to torture someone over the seal to open it." She shuddered. He pointed. "That's a Bringer. That's what's taken out the old Council and a bunch of the minis I have running this way. The magic using circuit and the poker circuit is getting all the girls they can to you here in LA."

"Who could've done a resurrection spell?"

Xander got up to get a book, bringing it back. "The only known one that's reliable. She didn't trip it with Angel's soul but we were damn lucky."

Buffy looked it over, frowning as she read. "That's bad. Who died?" She looked up.

Xander shrugged. "I don't know. You and Giles need that book though." She nodded, tearing some of the newspaper on the table to mark the spot. "There's three hundred total potentials right now, Buffy. How many have you seen die?"

"Seven so far. Are they all...."

"Yeah. Every one of them if they can. The Bringers will blow up them and their families. The demons evacuating them are stealing them if they have to but they're supposed to leave notes for the parents."

Agent Toliver nodded. "We've had a few young women being stolen by a demon reports," he admitted. "Someone asked all those who have ties to hunters if we knew why since a lot of them led back to British people we can't correlate as being Council."

Xander took the book from Buffy and handed it to him. "Someone screwed up or someone's doing it on purpose. They have to have been bleeding and torturing someone over the seal. Which means they've dug down to the hellmouth itself since the seal is part of it, and why it's so damn open."

Toliver winced as he read. He called his boss. "It's Toliver, sir. I've asked Hunter Harris about the girls being taken by demons. They are in danger, the demons are saving their lives from another mystical source, and we need to get any of them that we can to Slayer Summers or her watcher. Immediately. We're also about to have a battle in Sunnydale. I can do that once I get back to the office, sir." He hung up and went back to seeing what sort of problem this was. He looked at them. "Could they have done this sooner?"

Xander nodded. "A resurrection could've been done at any time. The calling specifically has a time limit."

"All right," Toliver said. "Slayer Summers, I need to send this information to some people."

"If it'll help, whoever can help can. Even Xander."

"Xander did help a lot during the invasion," Xander said dryly, staring at her. "He also lasted the whole battle because he was there when it started." She scowled at him. "I've helped during all the other ones here too. I practice daily and I can probably kick your butt, Buffy."

"I'd never let you try. That would be bad of me." She looked at the agent again. "What if we have a problem that big again?"

"Call us," he ordered. "Not like the whole world doesn't know about you now."

"Willow was thinking about a mass memory spell or an ignore it spell," she said, pouting slightly.

"Which is unethical," Xander and the agent said together.

"Highly unethical," Xander said firmly, staring at her. "Like memory charming Tara was."

"Hey," she complained. "You used to like her."

"Then she did magical girlfriend abuse," he said. "Leading up to the point where she lost herself and went to black magic. I've more than kept track and that's why I helped hide Tara when she needed me to."

Buffy sat up straighter. "She's all right?"

"Yeah. She's fine. I got her to some magical contacts. By the way, you knew this before the invasion, Buffy. We talked about it during that meeting at Lorne's." She groaned, shaking her head. "It wasn't Tara's doing. She's with some witches that are so uptight they're squeaky."

"She hasn't spelled me."

He stared at her. "Ask an independent source, Buffy. They can tell you who it was." She frowned but nodded. "Go ask Lorne to find you one actually. He'd get you someone independent, plus he'll be able to help channel those girls into LA's safety."

"Yeah, we can do that." She stood up. "If there's a battle...." she started.

"Blow it out your ass, Buffy. It's my choice about what battles I step into. Not yours." She glared at him. He stared back. "I'm not your puppy or your knight. You're not my queen. I don't take orders. The only one who can order me is myself now. And occasionally the boyfriend when he wants more and begs prettily." She walked off shaking her head. Agent Toliver smiled at him. "It used to be like that only worse."

"I understand that," he agreed. "I probably would've walked away too." He stood up. "Let me get this information back. Where are they in the cycle of sacrificing?"

"They need to do it again in a few days. If they miss it might slow it down but if Bringers are out, then she's going to come out sometime. Prepping for the 'someday' is a great idea right now. I'll be doing more research but it's not going to be pretty. I'm figuring there's a reason she's the First Evil and not some lesser one."

"Got it. Thank you, Mr. Harris. I'll be back if I have more questions." He shook his hand, then went out to hurry back to his office. He walked and handed his supervisor the book. His boss opened it to the paper bookmark. "It's going to happen sometime. We're not sure which reason is the cause." He pointed at a line. "Buffy's not sure either but Harris found some potential memory charms on her."

"Great." He read that open. "Can we stop it?"

"Harris said that since the Bringers are out, she could come out sometime. That's why those girls have been moved here."

"Because they're future slayers," his boss said flatly. Toliver stepped back, nodding. "Charming." He went back to reading. "What's a hellmouth?"

Toliver smiled. "The thing in Sunnydale that drew all the demons to it."

"Do we know where it was?"

"We noticed a while back that the town centered on the high school. I'm guessing it's there."

"That's a bad idea."

"Wilkins was one too."

"Point." He got back to reading, frowning as he read. "That is really bad."

"Yes it is, sir. Harris already told Summers he'd show up for the battle, even if she complained."

"Good!" He looked up. "What else can we do?"

"Help the girls get here. The old Council got blown up by one of the Bringers. It was caught on the news."

"Even better. Is there any other news that'll be giving me an ulcer?" he demanded, looking at his agent.

"Harris is having to move thanks to the hunters who don't think, as he called them. The vault has multiple layers of security, both magical and not. A few of the things he's keeping out of bad hands he can't even write down because it can summon them. He also mentioned that school that the LAPD let be taken over again."

"That stunk," his boss said.

"It did, and he agreed with that. That's why Gunn's people took care of the one the other day at that school by Harris. The local LEO people tried to intimidate Harris into not handling it."

"Wonderful. They need their heads examined."

"Many people think so," Toliver said. "Which is why he had Gunn's people handle it instead of him doing it."

"Fine. We'll get a lot of talking over that with the locals in this office and others." He went back to reading. "Go get a drink, Toliver."

"Thank you, sir." He left, going to Lorne's bar to talk to him about a few things. He could get that drink there too.


Xander had made enough of a peace treaty to call a meeting of all the hunters in the region, walking into it with Gunn. He sat down at the table, staring at them. "I called this because it appears there's a huge problem coming up. I'm not sure which one started it, but there was a witch involved." He put down the copies of the information he had. "I've had a few demon poker contacts, and so have others, to save the potential slayers from them."

"Hold up," one of the older ones said. "What's going on?"

"Somehow we've got the First Evil showing up," Gunn said, settling into a chair. "We're not sure if it was a resurrection or a calling."

"I had a few sorcerers I know see if they could tell," Xander said. "I know they're torturing Spike for the opening spell's blood."

"Isn't Spike a vampire?" one of the younger hunters asked. Xander nodded. "Can we end him?"

"It'll mean the portal won't fully close," Gunn said. "Only his blood can fully close it permanently." He pointed at the information. "That's all we've found."

"I'd ask Spike who was doing this but the portal sucked him in to do the spell," Xander said.

"How many potentials are there?" the old hunter asked.

"There were originally about three hundred," Xander said. "Before the Bringers hit. Buffy's seen slayer dreams showing six have died. At least ten were in the building. The demon contacts have removed seventy-eight." The hunters winced. "The youngest is tiny baby aged. The mother started to protect her daughter, she's a witch, then the Bringers knocked in a wall so she sent them off instead. She's now an orphan. They don't care if there's others in the house, if there's non-family nearby. They blew them up. Bringers have no sense of subtle. You know they're there because they knocked in a wall."

"How do we kill them if we run into them?" another one asked.

Gunn shook his head. "The only sources we could find mentioned a mystical scythe that was part of the slayer calling."

"Which is in Sunnydale," Xander said dryly, looking at him. "I asked, then I told her where it was. She's going to find it. The demons in town are actually evacuating without prompting if they're sensitive enough to feel the opening." He looked at the hunters again. "One book described them as some sort of superior vampire-like creature. It said to take off the head."

"So...we have superior demons going after little girls," one said. Xander nodded. "How do we stop it?"

"It takes seven slayers bleeding on the altar that's inside the portal," Xander said. They all groaned and shook their heads. "And it's far enough gone that even if whoever can't finish it, she can force her way out sometime."

"Is there anything you can do it protect the potentials?" the old hunter said.

Xander slowly shook his head. "I can't find anything that would protect them from all that. The slayer essence has already marked them enough that they're not fully innocent. I tested one to see. The protection wouldn't take because the slayer essence tainted her. I'm looking but no one I've made contact with had anything that could help with that. Not up through the top chaos mages, who all offered to help us during the battle."

"I didn't hear that," Gunn said.

"I called Boris Yestra earlier, pissed him off totally thanks to the time difference," Xander admitted, grinning at him. "I let him swear for twenty minutes of international calling to Scotland. Then he demanded why I had bothered him to sit there silently so I told him. He wished us luck and he'll gladly channel magic to help us but he has no idea of anything that would protect the slayers. He called his contacts and no one knows anything. There may have been something in the old Council's building but's it's in ruins."

"What about magical other ideas?" the head hunter said.

Xander shrugged. "I can make a wish, but I asked the wish demon that owed me a favor. She said it can't do more than ease it. Even if they knew who had started it, we'd have to go back to the beginnings of their life to stop it. Most likely by making sure they were born differently."

"Which would change untold other things," the head hunter said. Xander nodded. "So we could end up worse."

"We could," Xander agreed. "Though we do have a high point. I asked Boris and he said that the kraken couldn't come through the seal, only the regular hellmouth. So we'll have thousands of Bringers, but not a kraken or the other millions of demons trying to immigrate here."

"I guess that's a hopeful thing," one of the young ones said with a frown at Xander.

Xander nodded. "Yeah. That really is. Kraken are really hard to kill and as soon as you do, it's no longer guarding the opening to the regular hellmouth so all those other demons can pour out with no way to stop them."

"Okay, I'll take that happy point," that hunter decided. "I wouldn't even know where to start with something like that."

"Beheading," Gunn said. "Like during the invasion."

"Don't remind me," the oldest hunter complained. "You guys did good though." Xander grinned, tipping his head slightly. "Do you do that often?"

"He's been in every major apocalypse battle here in LA since he got here," Gunn said. "I don't know *what* Buffy's problem with him was, but he's not useless, even when he had just left Sunnydale."

"I still don't like those kits," the oldest hunter said, scowling at Xander.

"You'd rather I hadn't countered those apocalypses with it?" he shot back with an evil smirk. "I could've let you handle the six other apocalypses on your own, without another being interrupting."

"No, that was handy," he admitted.

"I could've not let the lazy, stupid ones that wanted to do big things find a way to take themselves out because they didn't pay attention to the warning that wishes are double-edged swords. At least one of them would've managed something stupid by accident."

"No, that's okay," another hunter said.

"I could also be selfish and not guard the people that have the same sort of draw I do. Then what would you have done?" he asked one hunter. "Did you want the zombie, the master vampire, or the young pup of a changer as a son-in-law?"

"None of the above and I took out all but the young pup. His pack leader pulled him off by his ear while apologizing. Said it was a scent thing."

Xander shrugged. "I have no idea. I don't know a single bit why they think I'd be their candy or toy. I'd like to find out if you do." That hunter nodded. "Also, I'd like to note that I do have hellmouth taint. A lot of hellmouth taint, guys." He looked at a few. "I've heard the questions. Yeah, I can channel it sometimes. Do we want me to do that and make a new one? Or be sacrificed to make a new one open?" They shook their heads. "Do we all know where the other hellmouths are?"

"Is one in Canada?" one of the young ones asked. "We ran into a really weird town full of peaceful demons that hid from us like we were a plague."

"A lot of the hunters that think with their shotguns and dicks are a plague to them," Gunn said. "Though no, we heard back from up there that you guys were really nice to handle that problem."

Xander nodded. "They'd thank you but you might smite them. Though, no, that's not a hellmouth. It's about sixty miles from there in a former town." That hunter winced. "Yeah, that place? That's a hellmouth. Cleveland has one too."

"That figures," the head hunter complained. "Too many weird things there."

Xander pointed at the packets. "Last page." They all looked and a few sent text messages. Xander grinned at them. "If we're right and we have to go into the portal to stop the Bringers and First Evil, Sunnydale is going to end up falling. Visions have been seen a few times."

Gunn nodded. "We've braced the local community about the running in fear."

"If there's a battle, we should have them evacuate anyway," the head hunter said, getting a nod back. "Can we do that?"

"Yup," Xander said. "We can do that."

Gunn looked at him. "How?"

"Go talk to that community." He shrugged. "It works the same way."

"I thought they were no humans."

"Outside a few like Buffy," Gunn said with a slight shrug. "She can go tell them."

"I can," Xander said. "I have some poker buddies still up there." That got a nod. "Beyond that, we thought you guys needed to know since you're on the probable list of 'in her way' to be taken out."

"Thanks," the oldest one said with a nod and a slight smile. "What are you going to do about the ones that like to pretend to be hunters?"

"I'm going to move," Xander said bluntly. "So I can quit taking them out. I don't need that sort of stain on my soul."

"Good point. You have?"

"Yeah," Xander said with a nod. "A number." Outside the sky suddenly darkened and then a black haired Willow Rosenburg stomped through the portal. "How did she suck up that sort of black magic?" he asked quietly.

"Boys, scatter," the older hunter said. They all fled the area. "Boy," he warned.

"She'll come for me anyway. At least here has protections." The building around them went up in a sudden, intense flame that didn't touch anything else. "Wow, someone's going to have to talk to the diner's insurance people."

"I got sent back to stop you," she growled, staring at him.

Xander leaned back in his chair, staring at her. "I doubt that. Considering all I'm doing is warning the hunters."

"They don't listen to you," she sneered. "No one does. No one ever will." She raised her hand. "You're not going to be tainting anyone any more," she sneered.

"Try it," he offered. "Watch me dump all this hellmouth taint here, Willow." He stood up, walking over to her. "The lie detector function is going off," he said bluntly, staring down at her. "Gunn's protections have it."

Gunn looked at his protection pendant, nodding. "Yeah, it's blinking faster than a teenage boy at his first porno movie." He dove out of Willow's way, coming up with a weapon. "Let's not try that, Rosenburg."

Xander held up a hand. "She won't attack you. If she got sent back to stop me from doing something, then she can't attack you, Gunn. That's the way that spell works." She snarled and sent magic at Gunn, which his pendant sucked up. "See?" Gunn nodded. Xander looked at her again. "So, the lie? Really not that cute."

"You're still nothing."

"You'd be shocked."

"I've already ended all those *skills* of yours. Including on that vault."

"If that were true, Trudy would be back," he said dryly. "Because her head's in there." The hunter still there winced and moaned, shaking his head. "Since it hasn't happened yet, I doubt you've breached my vault." She threw magic at him. It hurt him, but he stayed standing. "I've had worse than that from Cordelia when we were having funsies, Willow." She shrieked and tried to hit him with more magic. He laid a hand on her forehead while she concentrated, forcing his hellmouth energy into her. She shrieked in a whole other key as she soaked it up. "No. More." She got free, sending more spells at him. He stared at her. "If it didn't work the first time," he said sarcastically.

"Some spells always work," she sneered.

"Wow, Voldemort." She shrieked again as the spell left her. Two members of the Devon coven appeared in the parking lot. He looked out there. "I'm going to end her."

"She was sent back to stop you, Mr. Harris."

Xander snorted, pointing at the necklace Gunn was wearing. "That's got a lie detector function, ladies." They looked and one groaned.

"She didn't get sent back," the head hunter said, walking over. "She's just shown her intent of getting into Harris' vault."

"Probably. She tried the other day with fake agents," Xander agreed. "Pity two were killed by the security system I have on it." The witches gave him horrified looks. "Ladies, I'm keeping some things from this one and a few other things hidden," he said bluntly. "Unless you want to handle another major invasion near your houses? Because I've got a key part of that shrine by the coven's meeting area so no one can open it again." One went limp with a moan. The other was going to cry soon. "She's the reason I'm keeping them away from everyone. The magic addict that did magical girlfriend abuse."

"Tara's dead," Willow sneered. "You know that."

Xander pulled out his phone, calling down there. "It's Xander. Willow's sneering that Tara's dead. Can we? Two members of the Devon coven watching her have a major black magic fit. Please? Thanks." He hung up. Xander pointed behind him and two witches showed up with a younger one in a cloak. "She's not dead, Willow. When she foresaw her own death, I helped her hide. Especially from you and your mystical memory charms on your girlfriend." She hit him with a pure bolt of magic, making him groan. He slugged her, knocking her onto her ass. She hopped up while drawing more magic.

"Stop. It," Tara said firmly but quietly. She walked over, taking off her hood. She stared at Willow. "I won't let you hurt Xander, Willow. It's bad enough you hurt me and others. What you did to him way back when was harmful enough. You're tainted and it shows."

"He's still useless and he forced me to kiss him."

"Not like I use magic," Xander said with a shrug. "You were there, I didn't rape your mouth. You kissed me, not the other way around. I'm not being blamed for your stupid behavior. Cordy and I were barely dating, and were in the process of breaking up. You and Oz weren't. You've broken his wolf enough that he may never find a mate."

"He's my mate. I'll get him back."

"You can't have two," Tara said. "It doesn't work that way, Willow." She threw magic at Tara but she caught it and dissolved the ball. Willow gaped. "I'm stronger now," Tara said. "A lot stronger. Xander found me mentors who taught me what the Goddess could do when she wasn't being womanly."

"The Goddess is a protector of her people as well as a destructive force," one of the Devon witches said. "Plus her nurturing side." She stepped up, touching Tara's hands. She smiled. "I'm glad you healed, child."

"Take that spell off her," one of the witches that came with Tara said. Tara shook it off, dropping it off her hands. "Good girl, Tara."

"Well, they are the Council's magical arm," Xander said dryly. "Considering you guys somehow loosed the First Evil...." The witches all glared at him. He nodded. "That's why we were meeting before Willow showed up. We're pretty sure she's coming out. That's why a few of us called in poker debts to save some of the potentials."

The older of the two Devon witches stared at her. "Since when? We've had some kidnaped but not saved."

"How do you think they saved them?" Gunn demanded. "The Bringers are blowing them up with their families or watchers. This way they're safe and so is everyone around them. We've had a number of them show up in LA so Buffy can protect them."

Xander looked at him. "We'll need Faith."

"I'll talk to someone later." He looked at Willow. "I don't know when you became the Goddess of Lies, but go away, Rosenburg. You're not wanted on this coast ever again. Especially not in LA."

"Who're you," one of the witches sneered.

"I'm Gunn. I'm one of the protection patrol in LA." He stared at her. "I've been doing it for a few years now."

Xander nodded. "I fully respect Gunn for the way he's guarded some of the most vulnerable."

"Children?" one of the witches said.

"No, the homeless and poor kids who no one seems to care if they're eaten," Gunn said, glaring at her. "Not like your kind care if the demons or vampires take poor people." One sneered at him.

Xander glared at her. "Watch it, bitch, before I take that sneer from you permanently. Gunn does something most hunters don't think about, which has reduced the death rate among them by fifty percent in the first year alone."

"Maybe they should be weeded out."

Xander snorted. "Just because most of them have problems, especially mental health problems, doesn't mean they deserve to be prey for vampires. No one deserves that fate. If you don't agree, you *certainly* aren't on the Light any longer." They threw magic at him. Willow smirked and joined in, adding a portal behind him. Xander fell through but he came out in DC a few minutes later local time with a sword, in leather, and sneering at the ones he had just killed. He walked out, letting the portal close. "Hi. I'm back."

TJ stared at him. "You were gone?"

"Yeah, there's a magical battle on the west coast. Let me get there to end it." He snapped and disappeared. He put down something and stomped on it, breaking the rune stone. Then he got out of the way. He pointed. "They're the ones who sent me to handle your world's problems."

The two dragons stepped through the portal to stare at Willow. "Hmm. Fully corrupt. Pity. The world could use more light." She was staring at them in horrified awe but she managed to guard against his fire, but the other one got her, making her scream as the fire cleansed all the magic from her. "Nice," he told his mate.

Xander smiled. "Thanks, guys."

"Welcome, Great One." The dragons nuzzled him. "Come back when you want to. We honor you for handling that for us."

Xander kissed them both on the nose. "I'm glad I could help." They went back home, letting the portal end. He looked at the staring witches and Gunn, shrugging some. "She sent me to a world at civil war. I helped by landing in the middle of a battle in a huge flash of light. It stopped a lot of shit." He looked at the witch curled up on the ground crying. He looked at Tara's coven, who shook their heads. "Can she be bound?"

"I'd dearly love to," one said. "Right now preferably." Tara helped with it. The two Devon witches were trying to fight it but Gunn threw one out toward the parked cars again. The other one had to block against him and Xander. They finally got done with the binding and let it happen. "Boy, you're glowing," she told Xander.

Xander grinned. "I need a new containment necklace. It's in the safe at the house. I kinda had to let some hellmouth taint out to help a huge drought problem."

"Good! Please get it soon."

"I will once I get home. The same as I'll get out of the leather," he quipped. "I look hot but I don't want a succuba to try to take me from my boyfriend again." They groaned and Tara smiled. Xander smirked back. "Go. Be safe. Thank you for your help."

"It was needed," Tara said. "Be safe, Xander. The world would be darker without you."

He grinned. "There's way too many interesting, naughty things for me to get into to die." She laughed but they disappeared. Xander looked at Gunn, who was staring at him. "What?" he asked with a grin.

"The leather and sword?"

"Huge civil war plus dragons staring at them like they were idiots. The leather was totally practical as light armor and the sword came in handy too. Especially when the two leaders tried to take me out."

"Figures," the hunter said.

Xander grinned. "I made them make peace by casting a love charm. The three of us *all* made peace and they had fun. Then suddenly no more war. You can't usually call up a war against the one you're sucking the dick of."

The hunter shook his head. "You're warped."

"Willow basically helped raise me," he quipped. "It explains a lot, doesn't it?"

"Yeah, it does." He walked off shaking his head. "If it's going to come to a battle, let us know, boys."

"I can do that," Gunn promised. "Can you stop the idiot ones?"

"We've been trying. I'll try harder later when I brief them that they're going to be cannon fodder. It's all some of them are good for."

Xander nodded. "If that," he agreed. "Some aren't smart enough to draw the fire to them."

Gunn nodded. "I've seen." He walked around the sobbing witch on the ground. "Let me head back. Cordy's migraines are getting worse."

"Have her send on the visions," Xander said quietly. "Or at least slightly change since it's being human that's the problem."

"I can suggest those. You know she's stubborn."

Xander nodded. "I remember quite well." Gunn smirked but went to drive back to the office. Xander looked at the witches. "You have fun cleaning up her mess. Especially since she destroyed the building that had been here." They glared at him. "It's not my fault you guys hyped her that way while making her think she had the right to tear down people. You did it, you clean up your doggy's mess, ladies. That's about all your coven is good for from what the rest of us have seen." He walked around them, finding his car was a smashed wreck. He got what he'd need from the trunk while calling a cab. Instead he got a state police officer. He pointed. "Addicted, bitchy witch," he said bluntly. "Who decided she's the goddess and the world has to conform to her will."

"Why do you have a sword, sir?"

"Because she sent me to a realm that was having a civil war plus dragons." He grinned. "It came in handy, like the leather did." He walked over to his cab, getting in and paying up front. They took off.

The officer looked at the mess then at the two standing people. "What happened here?" They glared at him. He called in for stronger backup then went to arrest the witches. Apparently someone's attitude was a bad idea in the making. Fortunately his backup got there in time to see him be turned into a floppy eared puppy.


Giles walked into the new headquarters of the LA team, scowling already. "Why did I have to come bail out two members of the Devon coven and Willow?" he demanded.

"No, you're here to escort Buffy to Sunnydale to get the scythe," Xander said, looking up from his reading a magazine. "The judge won't give the witches bail, especially not until they change that one officer back." He went back to reading. "Buffy, he's here."

She came skipping down the stairs. "We've found out why we've had a bunch of potentials showing up." She let him see the book Agent Toliver had given her once he was done copying it.

Giles skimmed it, frowning. "How on earth?" he demanded, looking up.

"Either a bad resurrection or someone intentionally summoning her," Xander said, turning the page. "That's who blew up the old Council too. A bunch of us with poker contacts have asked that they save the potentials and bring them to you or Buffy."

"That does explain why we have a few extra teenage girls in the house, yes." He looked at Xander. "You?"

Xander looked at him. "No! Why would I make the kits that take out the stupid, lazy ones in a way that would give me *more* work?"

"Oh. I hadn't thought about that." Xander smirked and went back to reading. "Are you hanging about today?"

"No, I'm going to Sunnydale with you because her talk with the local community went poorly. They called her a spoiled bitch, again." He stared at the older man. "I'm also waiting on Cordy to get dressed."

"She's barely out of the shower," Buffy said. "Not even I take as long as she does."

"You don't have to use makeup to cover up the vision damage," Xander said bluntly. "She's got brain ripping visions that fade nicely into migraines that can last for days. Your not-sleeping bags under your eyes aren't as deep as hers and you could cover those."

"I tried," she complained.

Xander nodded. "Figures you're using the wrong stuff. Get the name of the stuff Cordy uses, Buffy. It actually covers."

Cordelia came down the stairs looking impeccable. "Bare minerals, Buffy. They have some heavy concealers that work well." She looked at Xander. "I'm done."

"Cool. We'll meet you guys up there." He got up, walking out to his new car. He grinned at her glare over the hood. "The witches crumpled my last one. I had to have a ride. Not like it's easy to get around LA without one." She nodded, getting into the sports sedan. He started it and pulled out, heading out of town. "Maybe I'll get a car from those evil genius ads."

She looked over at him. "You're not that smart. Mastermind maybe but not genius."

"So I won't get the sports car the evil ones want." He shifted up as they hit the interstate, heading up to Sunnydale. "You sure you're up to this?"

"I'd like to see it again before it falls in."

"Cool with me. You're good company." She smiled. "And you can talk to the last few humans in town if you would?"

"Of course. That's the other reason I'm going. Not like they'll listen to you."

"Probably not," he agreed.


Xander walked into the Sunnydale City Council meeting room. "No humans in town," one ordered with a point.

"Shut the fuck up." They all glared. "You guys know the hellmouth's going to open soon, right?" They nodded. "You know it's not the hellmouth itself?"

"Of course it is," one sneered.

Xander waved and pointed. "Let's go check." He hauled one up and walked out with him. The others growled but followed. He took them to the former library, pointing. "That's what's opening."

"That's a seal, not the hellmouth," the one he had dragged complained.

"That's the Seal of the First," another of the Council said. "There's rumors about it."

Xander looked back and nodded. "We're not sure of which reason but yeah. The Bringers blew up the Council. We've had a lot of help getting the potentials away from them too, guys, but we're about to have a battle in your backyard and you didn't want to listen." He turned to look at the rest of them. "We can see the blood that's been dripped so it looks like a summoning. We know she stole Spike to torture for it. We know it's his blood that has to seal it for good."

"If we find Spike out of it, we'll gladly send him to LA," one said. "How does this impact us?"

Xander pulled an envelope out of his back pocket. "Seven visions. Sunnydale is going to fall. Completely fall."

They took them to go over, one wincing. "How do you fight that battle, Hunter?"

"You go in there with seven slayers and some mystical scythe that's hidden in some cemetery around here. Buffy's on her way up with Giles to get it. Otherwise you don't fight it and you guys aren't on the highest rungs of the food chain." He shrugged. "What Wilkins turned into would've been seen as a toy, guys. Honestly."

"How do you know of that?" one demanded.

Xander stared at him. "You lived up the street from me for ten years, Harold. I just wear better clothes now and I'm not surrounded by drunks."

"Oh, you're Harris," he realized. Xander nodded. "Oh, shit. You vowed you'd only come back for the end of the world." Xander pointed at the hole, nodding. "Oh, dear." He looked at the others.

"We've had some evacuating the area because they felt disturbances in the magic," another councilor said quietly. Xander nodded. "Do others know?"

"Yeah. We're calling in all the help we can get for that battle since it'll have to be inside the seal. I actually talked to some of the hunters that think I'm an asshole about this. That's when Willow attacked so hard."

"We heard," the angry one complained. "You could use her heft."

"She destroyed a diner, she lied intentionally to get people to attack me for my vault's contents, and she tried to destroy me by sending me to a realm that was at war. Thankfully I helped end that by showing up in a flash of huge magic and the dragons were most amused to help me get back here," he said dryly. "It's one reason why I'm moving too."

"Is your house going up for sale? It has many protections."

"I'm selling it once I find a new one," Xander said with a grin for him. "It has great security but the dumbasses among the hunters keep trying to take me out thanks to Willow."

"I might know of someone who would like your old house."

Xander smiled. "Thanks. I'm looking for a good, secure place right now."

"We heard you had one."

"I've offered that to a few packs."

"That's a good thing. They could use the room to expand." They went over what Xander knew of the seal and the First Evil. They agreed they could evacuate the town if they needed to and let Buffy go to that cemetery. They called their guards on the edges of the community to let them through. The locals didn't want to die thanks to that battle either.

"I have Cordelia talking to the remaining humans at the old Mocha Pump," Xander told them. "That way they understand too. I figured it'd be easier."

A few nodded. "She is cunning."

"She's also been blessed with visions," Xander said more quietly. "She inherited Doyle's from the Powers That Be."

"Changing her may help," one said, looking at him. "She doesn't have that long though."

"Can you tell her that? She won't listen to me."

"I can try, Harris." Xander smiled at him. "You should go."

"Guys, I sucked up so much hellmouth energy I used it to end that war," he said dryly. "It's comfy like a nightlight right here." They groaned. "I carry so much taint I glow sometimes. It's not going to affect me. Though, thank you guys for making sure no other humans turned into me. It was real sweet of you to make sure of that by sending all the humans away."

"Better them gone than being a problem," the one he had dragged complained. "Plus fewer vampires."

"Hey, ask, Buffy might take out some for you if you ask her. She's been a bit bored."

They all nodded they had heard. They went back to the Council room to call other Councils to see if they knew any more about that great evil one that was coming. Xander stayed to make notes and listen. That way Buffy would hear and so would the hunters later on.


Xander walked into the meeting he had called later that night. One of the younger changers got in his way so he stabbed him when the guy tried to hit him. "First, don't cause problems in a human place," he sneered at the wolf. "Second, I'm not yours to sniff or toy with. Learn respect or else I won't do the protections for your upcoming base." He walked into the back room, nodding at the alphas gathered. "Patrick," he said, shaking his hand. He was the senior alpha in the area. "We've had some bad indications and we know it won't directly affect you but the battle coming will."

Patrick nodded. "I've heard some. What do you have to inform us about, Xander?"

He sat down, putting the papers on the table. "First, this is what we gave to the hunters plus information I learned today. This way everyone knows and knows how to protect themselves if they can. Second, this is a huge, world ending problem." A few of the others in there snorted. "Hey, you guys want to handle the First Evil, go for it." Most of the snorters looked horrified. Xander nodded. "I dragged a member of the Sunnydale City Council to look at the seal and it's been bled on so it's probably a summoned one."

"You can't prove she's out," one complained.

"Who do you think blew up the old Council?" Xander shot back. "A news crew caught one on tape stomping one of the watchers trying to escape." He pulled out that photo capture. "This is what Bringers look like." They passed it around. One was grimacing. "You had a pre-slayer among yours. That's why that demon showed up and snatched her. She's with the other potentials here in town."

"We could have protected her," that werewolf complained.

"The Bringers don't fight. They blow up anyone in their way. Including families." That alpha nodded once. "It was safer for your group and her if she wasn't there. They probably won't come after her family if she's not there."

"Good point. Thank you."

"Not just me. A few of us got together to ask our poker contacts. We know that they've killed about thirty of the three hundred potentials at this moment. Some were in the main building, but the rest were at home with their watchers. A few were with their actual families. Buffy's had non-stop visions of them coming after the slayers."

"Why come after the potentials?" Patrick asked.

"Because it takes seven to leash her back in," Xander said. Patrick grimaced. He looked at one alpha, who rolled his eyes. "We might need Faith. Giles thinks he can somehow activate a few more for the battle. He's not totally sure though."

"I can see if we can get her parole hearing moved up." He leaned back. "You stabbed my guard."

"Your guard tried to attack me three days ago," Xander said firmly. "I'm not his toy. You're lucky I didn't kill him when he showed up at the restaurant I was in to make a scene. I don't know why guys like him think I'm candy but damn it." He stared at him. "I didn't use silver this time. Or then. I'm allowed to protect myself."

"You are," he complained. "I know you stay out of pack affairs."

"Usually you only see me when you call on me or sometimes at the grocery store. Or when I've got a new properly to flip."

"How long before you move into that one you showed us?" another alpha asked.

Xander frowned at him. "That's way too big for me and I'm not. I'm looking for somewhere more single guy with a boyfriend sized. What would I do with forty-seven acres?"

"Are you still taking offers?" another asked, looking happy.

Xander smiled and nodded. "Of course. We've even repaired the small bit of graffiti that one of the dumbasses did when the crashed through the gate. The PD response time to that was ten minutes by the way. I had the guys painting over it for whoever." They smiled. "Back to unhappy business, guys. The seal could open anytime in the next six months. Spike got spit out earlier tonight so she's on the last step of forcing it open." They all nodded, taking the information to pass around.

"We are not meant to do this sort of fighting," the alpha he worked with said.

"I'm not expecting or asking you to," Xander said. "I'm telling you about this so you guys can protect yourselves. There's not a lot of protections that can guard against a Bringer. There's only one against fires and explosives and I've already included those in the sets I worked up for you."

"We were expecting you to make us pay for a new one," one complained.

Xander stared at him. "I know you're new in town, but I don't work like that. I worked with Buffy protecting the peaceful community in Sunnydale until they drove me off. I could have just sent an email to Patrick to let you all hear about this. I'm here because you guys have people you'd want to protect too. The same as tomorrow I'm meeting with a few agents and higher ups in the LAPD because they're about to have a refugee fleeing moment from Sunnydale. It's your right to protect yourselves and I have what you need to know to do that. I don't charge for that."

"Xander has always been honest with us," Patrick agreed. "Even when he does work for us, he charges much less than he does those that don't need the work done."

Xander nodded. "It's not right to charge those who need it. I do have some ethics. Even if they are a bit warped due to Sunnydale."

"You were in that foul town," the new alpha sneered.

"Yeah, I'm the same Harris that backed up Buffy for a few years until she and Willow got shitty." The alpha growled. "For that matter, I helped protect Oz too." The alpha jumped at him and Xander ducked it, tossing him onto the floor. "I don't know what his problem is but make it his own," he told Patrick. "I don't need another fight. I really don't."

"Sit down," Patrick ordered. "Xander is a valuable member of our community. If he had to kill you we'd all shrug it off." He looked at Xander. "Is there any way to avoid it?"

"If she feels like she hates winter solstice and wants to wait until spring, like typical apocalypse battles? It's at the stage where all she has to do is push a bit and it'll open. We've had seven visions of it, and them caving the town in somehow. So the City Council said they'd warn people to get ready to evacuate anytime in the next few months. She's picking her favorite day to come out. Like Glory picked her favorite clothes before Spike helped by having her taken out by a few demons."

"That was an unusual strategy but a good one," Patrick said. Xander grinned. "I know he used one of your kits."

"You bet. The same one that took out your namesake in New Jersey who was going to create a mess we'd have to clean up. I don't know why he wanted to create a zombie football league...."

Patrick shook his head, looking down but smiling. "Neither were we. How did you let him take himself out?"

"Like certain witches, he never measured," Xander said with a grin. "That potion is *real* exact." The senior alpha smiled and patted him on the head. "It works really well. Even the djinn summoning kit. People who don't do their own research only want the end goal, they don't stop to read the directions."

"One of those created a huge mess," his usual contact said dryly.

Xander smiled. "He didn't get it to work. It said in the instructions if he didn't draw the symbols for the capturing circle exactly as shown they'd summon something else and that one would not be pleased to be summoned. It might even kill the summoner because that circle with the wrong symbols was to protect the human from it, not keep it inside. Apparently he can't follow directions either." He shrugged but smiled. "It's kept a lot of bad things down."

"It has," Patrick agreed. "There's been times we weren't sure who to root for." Xander grinned at him. He patted the papers. "How soon at the earliest?"

"Six weeks at the earliest. Sixteen months at the outside or she'll need a new victim, or to take Spike back."

"Can we just take Spike out to help?" one asked. "He's annoying."

"No. His blood is what'll seal the seal forever." They all groaned. "Also, Spike's been tortured for the last few months, guys. He's talking to thin air like he was Dru earlier. He's that out of it. He didn't have blood while he was there. He's got new scars and we all know vampires shouldn't scar. He was truly screwed up by that torture. I think he'll heal but I'm not certain." They all nodded. "Buffy thinks he'll want to go in to fight her when it's time."

"He could. Spike was truly messed up with that soul curse spell." Patrick shook his head again. "It's nice to see a vampire feeling love." Xander grinned. "I know, a few have professed their love to you too."

"Against my will," Xander agreed. "Going into protection runes meant I could hold them off." The alpha on the floor got up, sneering as he retook his seat. Xander glanced at him then at the others. "Most likely LA will be safe. We know the First Evil can appear as dead people. We know she's a grand hand at mind screwing. She tried that with Buffy, showed up as her mom." The alphas who knew Buffy all winced.

"Slayers aren't raised by their families, boy," the new alpha sneered.

Xander smiled. "The Council totally missed Buffy, dude. Not only did she grow up at home but even when she was called she stayed at home. Well, except for during the divorce because her father sank her into a hospital bed due to her burning down a gym full of vampires. That was probably a ploy so he didn't have to claim her any longer. I've seen other parents do that."

Patrick nodded. "Buffy was raised at home not too far from here. I saw her cheering at a few games against the school my grandson went to. She was perky."

Xander nodded. "Still is too." Patrick patted him on the arm. "Anyway, mostly you guys will have some running. I know there's a small pack up there. Oz's nephew, the one who bit him, is part of it as far as I've heard?" He looked at Patrick.

"There is one but I'm not sure about that young one. Where is Oz?"

"A temple in Tibet."

"Ah. I've heard of that one. That's good for him apparently." He looked at the others. "If that pack should have to evacuate and not be able to go back, we can make room for them?" The other alphas mostly nodded. "We know if they have to evacuate the town we'll have a few thousand extra demons."

Xander cleared his throat. "Last census by the healers said ten thousand demons, with a transitional group of about another three to five from the two colleges, plus about three hundred or so humans. I had Cordy up with me earlier to talk to them about what we knew, that way no one could forget."

"Would they?" another asked.

"Yeah," Xander said with a nod. "Some would intentionally forget to tell the pets and toys they were tired of. Or their minions to see if they were smart enough to see the problem and remove themselves. Three of the seven on the City Council up there are that way actually." He shifted to look at Patrick. "A few up there are *really* high up on the evil bastard scale too. Including the one that walks around wearing furs he's ripped off other beings. I heard he was up there earlier but he was visiting his brother for a long term visit from the realm he just sent into a war zone."

"That's good to know," Patrick said, grimacing. "That being is a menace."

"To everyone," Xander's alpha contact agreed. "His brother's up there?"

"Yeah. He wants his brother's wife from the gossip Cordy heard. She's the one that told me he was up there so I asked. I'll have to add some extra layers to the security on the vault." Patrick grimaced, shaking his head slightly. "Oh!" He smiled. "That meeting to let the hunters know so they could fall in for the battle up there? Willow showed up." The alphas groaned. "With two members of the coven. Fully black magic filled, lying to everyone Willow Rosenburg. She sent me to a realm that was having a civil war. I showed back up after helping fix it with a few new dragon friends who cleansed her magic for her. Then Tara's coven bound her." He grinned at Patrick. "The locals up there arrested her and the two Devon witches for destruction of property and other things. They can't even get bail until they change the one officer back from a dog."

Patrick burst out laughing, patting Xander on the head. "That's so evil, Xander."

"I didn't do that part. I left as the officer pulled up. He questioned the witches as I got into a cab. The other cops got there apparently as he was being changed. So three witches in jail. Giles is not amused."

"Some of us are not amused at that coven anyway," another alpha said.

Xander smiled. "They tried to spell Tara when I asked her to show up since Willow was sneering about her. Tara's coven were not pleased either."

"At least Rosenburg isn't such a problem now."

"We hope," Patrick agreed. "Will she be there for that battle?"

"Probably. Buffy prefers to have her there." He shrugged. "I'll be there even if she sneers about it. I'm thinking however the hellmouth likes me so much may help."

"It might. We're not sure why you sucked up so much hellmouth taint," Patrick said quietly, studying the young hunter. "You're without as much as usual."

"I dumped a lot over there to help stop that battle. I also used it to cast a love spell. It's really hard to start a war against the guy you're sucking the dick of."

Patrick burst out laughing, bending over the table to pound on it. "Oh my god."

Xander grinned. "It worked very well." The others were smiling and nodding. "Okay, I'll leave you guys on that happy note. I'll email or call if I hear more." He got up and left.

Patrick smiled at the others. "Xander is very unique but quite a credit to the community. Beyond the charity work he does, he's protected us beautifully for years." He straightened up. "I do adore that boy sometimes." The other alphas smiled. "Is anyone thinking about that property he just flipped?" A few raised their hands.

The alpha he had shown it to smiled. "It's beautiful. If you need more than six spacious bedrooms you'll need to put up a guest house or two, or split one that was oversized and he suggested doing so but didn't get around to it, but a lot of scrubby woods and hill area. Plus an amphitheater by a waterfall. Cordelia made a beautiful choice for him." They smiled. "He also doesn't charge us much over what it cost him, unlike if he sold it to others outside the community."

"That's a good thing," Patrick agreed. "Let's break to tell our worried and overly eager young pups. They can work up how to guard the various packs." They broke up to go home. Patrick made it home to his wife, kissing her. "Call the boys together, dear."

"Just the boys?" she asked.

"No. Everyone." She summoned the others in from the backyard. He settled in front of them. "Harris told us tonight the First Evil is going to come out within a few months. We have up to sixteen months of her possibly coming out." They all stared at him. "Visions state Sunnydale will fall after that battle. We'll have a lot of fleeing from up there." They all nodded. "He noted there was a pack up there."

"Sire, can we help?"

"Be aware she can show up as a dead person," he said, looking at one female werewolf in the back. "Welcome, ma'am."

She sneered. "You won't win against me."

"We're not the ones fighting you. We're just protecting ourselves against your minions." She snorted and faded out. He pointed. The others nodded. "Keep watch. Let us all know. It's going to get nasty." He called the others. "She was here when I was briefing my pack," he announced. "She knows but she also knows that we're not fighting her." He hung up and went to make sure he had important documents in a safe place outside the house. Just in case the worst things happened. His pack needed to be secure. He pulled his second-in-command up there with his wife to talk to them about those things. They understood why and how any power handovers should go.

This would be bad. He hoped the ones that could fight it were strong enough. They were stubborn enough, the boy alone proved that, but strong enough?


Xander walked into the prison meeting area, heading over to a familiar looking brunette young woman. He sat across from her, staring at her until she closed the mouth that was hanging open. He grinned. "Hi."

"Xander," she said, looking around then at him again. "You look good."

"Thanks. I've done a lot of work since I left the hell that was teenage girls."

She tipped her head. "I heard."

He grinned. "Oh, so much longer of a story probably." He slid over an unsealed envelope. "Your new lawyer."

"Why?" she asked, not touching it.

"Because hell is coming," he said dryly. "You're also not the sort that being in here will help a lot. Yeah, you needed the help then. Now you need a different sort of help." She nodded once, still not touching the envelope. He gave her a pointed look. "Am I the sort to screw you over?"

"I don't know. Red said you were dirty now."

Xander snorted, shaking his head but he was smirking. "Red went magic addiction so hard she's in another nice facility like this one after someone cleansed her magic from her." Faith winced. "Yeah, it's that bad. We're talking we'll need *seven* of you."

"Of me?"

"You, Buffy, the other five... I'm not sure. Giles is working on it."

"That the only reason to spring me?"

"No. I really don't think this is doing you any more good," he said quietly, staring at her. "You're not out of control. You're not as broken, though all humans are broken somehow. You're now broken differently than you were then. All this," he said with a hand flick in the air. "It's not helping you as much as it used to."

"My therapist helps me a lot."

Xander nodded. "Did you know the Council hired her?"

"No, I didn't." She slumped. "Why?"

"Well, it's not a worry anymore." He grinned. "The current problem blew them up." She stiffened, staring at him. "Eyeless sorts in robes?"

"I've seen," she admitted quietly, glancing around then at him. "They won't come here."

"There's two that's been here. Buffy took them out yesterday. There's one weapon that can do that."

"Shit," Faith muttered. "I wondered why I got moved earlier than everyone else this morning."

"To protect you, Faith. Me and a few others asked poker contacts to snatch the young ones like you so they were safe and so were their families. Out of the three hundred, we've managed to save about one-twenty." She winced. "Another forty no one can find."

"Damn." She looked inside the envelope, taking the calling card to tuck into her shirt pocket. She looked at the letter. "Do we know them?"

"Light side, not part of the invasion earlier this year." She looked up at him. He shrugged. "Wolfram and Hart, who were your old lawyers, are gone because they started that."

"Eww. I saw on the tv."

"She still nagged me about being there."

Faith snorted, shaking her head. "Still thinks you're just a guy?"

"Yup." He grinned. "Instead I became the guy to go to for protection runes. If they'd let me I'd have you with one but they said no to one. Sorry."

"That's okay. I can handle myself."

Xander leaned closer. "Those things, they don't die. You escape them." She nodded once. "Also, call, woman. I don't get nearly enough letters from you."

She smiled. "They do lighten my life. I saw you with a new boytoy."

"I really like him. He's broken in ways I get, and I'm comfy with. He's not the usual sort who'd freak out at my life. He had a night of 'oh hell' then went supportive. I kinda really like that guy and I'd probably even give him closet space in the new house when I find it. Even with the liability of his parents I still like the guy. Lorne was really sweet to set us up."

Faith smiled. "That's good to hear. B? She got a new boytoy?"

"No. She could use one to break the pre-battle tension and make her sleep but no."

Faith nodded. "I can see how that'd help. It'd sure help me some nights."

"Hey, call," he said, staring at her. "It's not like I won't understand, Faith. I'd like to go back to being friends with you."

She nodded. "I can see friendsies. But no with benefits."

He waved a hand. "If TJ and I want to play, we go club." He grinned.

She laughed. "That's a good thing to do anyway." She stared at him. "You grew up."

"Yeah, I did. Then again I wasn't the fluffy sort Willow encouraged everyone to see me as." He shrugged. "I had a few bad jobs while I was waiting to make it bigger. Though," he said, smirking evilly with a wink. "I have told the sorts that bother me while I'm trying to work that I'm going to use one of my own kits to call a genie and ask for political gains if they don't leave me alone. Lo and behold, they quit bothering me while I needed to work." She burst out laughing, shaking her head. "Yeah. TJ was amused too." He smiled. "You call when you need me. I have my phone with me most of the time. If not, I'm having fun with the boyfriend." She nodded, smiling at him. "And write, woman. I know you can."

"Yeah, I can do that. How soon?"

"Really? We're hoping we have a month but it could be anytime in the next sixteen months." She groaned, wincing some. "Yeah. We're trying."

"That's cool. Let me know?"

"Oh you will. We'll ride in to save your skinny butt. Speaking of, put on some weight, Faith. You're too damn skinny. I don't want to go missing you like I will be Cordelia soon."

"Why is she sick?" she asked.

"Visions. She inherited them from another seer. They're causing brain changes," he said quietly. She slumped, shaking her head. "So I'm hoping she'll be turned or something. It'll save her."

"That's a bad decision," she said.

Xander nodded. "It is. And you're about as skinny?"

"Bad food, boytoy. Not my doing."

"Hey, if I could bring in food I would."

"I know." She flapped a hand at him. "Go home. Sex up the boyfriend."

"Can't, he's in DC right now. For at least two weeks." She grimaced. "So, be safe?"

"I can do that." A guard walked over. "Time's up I guess."

Xander looked at the guard, who he knew was a half demon. "Protect her for us, please?" he said quietly.

"We do, Harris. What's going on?"

"No one's told the community at large?"

"I missed a meeting."

"The Seal of the First is getting ready to open," Xander said quietly. "Buffy took out two after her last night."

"Shit," he said, looking at the younger slayer. Then at him. "That's going to be bad."

"Yeah, real bad. We're hoping we saved half the potentials since they were going after them."

The guard nodded. "I'll talk to the boss."

"Thanks, man, and if you need my help. Yelp at me."

"I can do that." He led Faith off.

Xander left, going down to the LA team's office. It was a quiet, longish drive but he needed the calming time. Connor stopped him at the doorway. "She down with another migraine?"

"No," Connor said, grimacing. "Um..." He looked inside then at Xander. "She had a seizure." Xander winced but nodded. "Gunn's locked himself up for the moment, Xander. We..."

"Do I need to make arrangements?" he asked quietly. Connor nodded quickly. "When?"

"Earlier," he admitted. "About an hour ago."

Xander swallowed hard and nodded. "Okay. I'll... does anyone else know?"

"I called Giles to tell him. Not sure."

"Okay. I'll figure that out." Connor nodded. Xander hugged him. "It's all right to grieve, Connor. I know you're not used to that stuff, but it's important for your mental health." He walked off, going to find out a few things. He knew what Cordy would have wanted. He parked in the parking lot of the funeral home then couldn't get out of the car. He went to the gym to beat the hell out of something. It worked for him. It was what guys did, right? Then he went to the funeral home once he was sweaty, his hands bloody, and his body tired. "Hi, I need to make arrangements," he said quietly.

The receptionist handed him a wet wipe pack. "Let me get our funeral director from out back, sir." She went to do that while Xander cleaned up his hands. Some guys could cry and some couldn't.


Xander was meditating after the funeral, trying to calm down some anger. He found Cordelia staring at him. "So," he said.

"Messenger duty," she said with a shrug. "It sucks. Thanks for making them not make it a closed casket funeral when they screwed up my head. It would've hurt Connor more." Xander nodded. "It's going to be soon, Xander."

Xander stared at her. "It figures. We're weak right now."

"She'll quit attacking a few days before."

Xander nodded. "I'll let that be known. Thanks and be safer please? And if they give you another vision like that, beat their asses, Queen C."

She smirked. "Of course I will. I'll beat them like I beat bad clothes out of your closet. I can't go see them. Oh, Wes is on this side, Xander."

"I saw." He straightened up. "Thanks."

"Welcome. By the way, he's perpetually cute with you. I like that, even if it's not a full time thing yet." She faded out.

Xander woke himself up, going to the main office. He ran into Gunn, Connor, and Wes. "Gee, Demon, aren't you dead?" he asked dryly. Wesley smirked at him. "You've been dead since the invasion so I know you're not Wesley. Flee in fear, mother fucker. Before I open my vault and pull things out." The demon faded out. Gunn winced. "She's the PTB's messenger and can't show up to you guys. I only got the one visit probably."

Gunn nodded. "That's sad but she's okay?"

"Yeah but they put her in a skirt she hated." Connor smiled a tiny bit, ducking his head. "She said they'll stop attacking the potentials soon, and that's when it'll happen. A few days from that."

"I'll let the others know." He looked at him. "You good?"

"No. I'm not good," Xander admitted. "I'm tired of losing people. That's why I'm going to take this anger out on the bitch we have coming up."

Gunn nodded. "Probably not healthy but reasonable."

"Healthy isn't hunting."

"True," Gunn said, patting him on the shoulder. "Any other good news?"

"They quit trying to take out Faith."

"I'll call around now," Gunn said, going to the office.

Xander looked at Connor. "She's not happy but she'll survive the end of the world, Connor," he said quietly. "She'll show up to nag whenever she can."

"I hope so. It'd be nice." He looked at Xander. "Are you all right beyond the anger?"

"No. Wanna spar?"

"Yes," he moaned. "I can't deal with all this sniffling." Xander nodded, following Connor to the gym to work out with him. It'd help them both.


Xander woke up with a moan a few days later. "It's tomorrow," he said, looking around his bedroom. He called people. "It's tomorrow." He hung up. They'd warn whoever needed it. He got up to take a shower and go make breakfast before he got into the vault. He was bringing some serious power with them. They had to win this one. He paused while cooking to call TJ's phone. "It's me. Stay out there tomorrow. There's going to be a battle, TJ, and it'll be bad enough to possibly destroy a whole town. So be safe, okay?" He hung up. TJ was never awake this early so he'd get the voicemail later. Xander finished eating breakfast then went to the vault. He couldn't count on any demon not joining her side. He couldn't count on wishes. But he had owed favors in there. They'd have to help by the debt's limits.

And maybe he'd make a wish that everyone would be okay.


Xander came out of the portal carrying one of the new slayers over his shoulder. The others were hurrying out too. Buffy was pulling the other one that was down. Xander looked back then went back to grab Faith, hauling her and the one she was trying to get free from the Bringers out of there. Spike was lagging. "Spike!" he bellowed. "Come on!"

"'S my duty," the vampire said. He lit a smoke. "Go. Get the other one." He picked up and tossed the limp, injured body. Xander cushioned her fall then hauled the girls out of the way of the portal. Spike pulled out a lighter, lit his cigarette, then pulled out his pocket knife and cut his arm. The Bringers rushed to stop him but the first drop hit the portal before they grabbed him.

Xander looked around. "Let's go," he ordered. "Now, before it sucks or whatever!" Buffy stared at him. "All the visions said the town was going to fall in, Buffy. Now!" He pointed. They got the slayers and everyone out of the way. Gunn took Faith from him but they barely made it out of the school before the sucking started. Xander winced as they had to fight to gain ground. A few of the girls fell so he hauled them back up. There was the National Guard so he let them take the girls from him and hurried out of the way too. Gunn had Faith. Connor had Buffy. They were missing two slayers. They were missing a few of Gunn's people. A few of the others who had showed up too. They had went in with twenty of them and came out with twelve. Xander sucked in a breath, staring around.

"Sir," a soldier said.

Xander turned to look at him. "Move everyone back farther, Captain. It's going to get worse. The visions showed it was worse." He nodded and they evacuated them all by chopper. The chopper wobbled as it took off because the ground there was breaking and being pulled into the portal too. Xander watched, staring at the destruction. He blinked at the medic trying to take his axe. "Mine."

"I need to bandage your injuries, sir."

"How many of us made it out? I counted twelve."

"Fifteen. We got a few in the earlier rush," he said. "Can I treat your injuries?"

"I usually do my own."

"Not this time, sir. You probably can't stitch the one on your back."

Xander looked over his shoulder, wincing. "I didn't feel that happen."

"Adrenaline will do that to you," the medic said. They landed on top of a hospital and he got everyone out. "This one's still in a bit of shock. Needs stitches." The nurses nodded, putting him in a cubicle with his axe.

A nurse came in. "Sir, what happened? There's all sorts of agents here who want to know."

"Agent Toliver at the FBI was briefed," he said quietly, staring at her. "So the agents already knew."

She nodded, going to tell them that. Another nurse came in. "Can we do your stitches now?"

"I usually do my own," he said quietly.

"Not this time. We're a good ER, not like the one up there." Xander shrugged so she pulled out what she'd need. She cut off the remains of his t-shirt and cleaned up the mess with a baby wipe first. They needed to clean the dripped blood and sweat off so they could sanitize the areas. "You have what looks like five cuts that need stitches." Xander looked at her. "Are you all right?"

He nodded. "I've had worse."

"Are you a full time hunter?"

"No. Not anymore. I left that life years ago." She nodded, getting to work while chatting to keep him awake and present. An agent stomped in. "We told Agent Toliver so he could tell all of you."

"Harris," the agent growled. "What happened?"

Xander stared at him. "I'm pretty sure that's self explanatory. It was a battle. A huge battle. Twenty of us went in and we apparently lost five people while in there so we could make sure the hugely evil thing couldn't come out ever again. If you need to know more than that, you'd better wait until I'm calmer. Or Buffy's calmer. One of the two." He stared at him. "Right after a battle isn't ever a good time to ask questions."

"The president and the governor want to know," the agent said more firmly.

Xander snorted. "The president has two guards who are some sort of half-demon. The Secret Service does that on purpose in case a demon problem happens. The governor is a tenth demon. I'm pretty sure at least one of them heard from their local community leaders." He stared at him. "You're keeping me from calming down and that is a huge problem."

"You're obstructing the investigation. If you'd just cooperate...."

Xander pulled out something and threw it on the ground, where it broke. The smoke faded up. "I wish everyone knew what had just happened so we were left alone for a bit. Please."

The genie stared at him. "That's a fairly simple wish. Don't you want riches? Power? Fame?"

"Fuck no," Xander said bluntly. "I just want to be left alone long enough to calm down from the battle before I call something bigger that'll end humanity."

The genie nodded. "Good idea. Wish granted." He disappeared.

Suddenly the tv at the desk started to blare facts about what had just happened. The senior agent glared at Xander. "That was uncalled for."

Xander pointed at his axe. "I'm three seconds from losing my shit. I've lost seven people in the last month. Plus some friends within the community that I was acquainted with. Please go away before I have to start screaming because if I start screaming it's not going to be pretty. I'm trying to spare you and others that. Consider me heroic for it." The agent stomped off. He went to bother Buffy.

"Xander!" she called. "Please calm down."

"Fuck off," he yelled back. He looked at the nurse. "Can I go home now?"

"I'm not nearly done with the first injury, sir."

"I don't care. I need to get out of here before I lose my shit. I need to calm down from the battle and people aren't going to help that."

She nodded, tying off that stitch. "You have eight hours to get those stitched up or they won't be able to," she said quietly.

Xander nodded. "Thank you." He slipped out of the ER, going to find a way home. He found a cab and he still had his wallet. He tossed a hundred at the guy and gave him his address. The cab driver took off. Xander breathed and calmed himself down to a more meditative state on the way home. He had to pass the driver another twenty since it was just over a hundred bucks but that was fine. He walked through the gateway in his community. The guards waved and got out of his way. One of them pulled up in a golf cart. "Thanks, Craig."

"Welcome, Mr. Harris. That looked really nasty."

Xander grimaced but nodded. "I had to use a wish to make the agents leave me alone while I'm calming down. So if they show up, I'm at the condo if you can lie to them."

"I can try." He watched Xander go into his house then sped back to the gate. "He asked that we convince any agents he's at his condo."

His boss nodded. "It's not often you see him that upset but he's one that'll blow up and do unintentional damage. Then he'll apologize. Never hurts another person though." Craig nodded, going to check the rest of the neighborhood. When a hunter showed up, he stopped them. "Leave the boy be," he ordered. "He's post battle hot and he's going to destroy many people."

"That's fine. Tell him to call us," the old hunter said. "We wanted to know how bad it was beyond however he got it on the news."

"He told one of my guys he used a wish because agents were bothering him."

"That's not a bad idea. Let him know we'd like a report to keep track of." The guard nodded, sending an email to Xander's address. "Thanks." He drove off, going to tell the others. That was a smart idea to use a wish that way.


Xander looked up as the demon showed up in his yard that night. He had summoned him. Xander stared at him. "Did you get the ones that fell out of there?" he asked quietly.

"Yeah, they're with the local ME up by there, Harris. I wanted to be able to wish them not to fall but you're right, it would've meant some zombies or something. Then you or Summers would've had to take them out later." Xander nodded, finishing his glass of iced tea. "The other higher demons loved that wish by the way." Xander smirked. "You good?"

"No. Still tense."

"I can see that. Don't you have a boyfriend?"

"He's in DC. He's needed out there and I didn't want him out here in case it set off earthquakes."

"A few minor ones but nothing too huge. The local community is holding an honoring event tomorrow."

"I can be there. Thanks for the help earlier." He handed over the small box of demon parts he had asked for his help. "Please don't make us do anything for the next few weeks?"

"Nah. These are going to England." He grinned. "My sister's pregnant and she'll adore eating these." He disappeared to drop that off then go talk to Summers. Buffy flinched when he appeared. "Peace, Slayer Summers." She huffed. "The bodies of those that fell were delivered to the local ME's office near there."

"I was hoping he'd have made a wish that no one would fall," Buffy said.

"Then we'd be taking out former friends who were now zombies," Faith said.

"Yes, you would have," the demon agreed. Buffy grimaced, shaking her head. "The local community is honoring everyone tomorrow."

"We can be there," she said, looking up at him. "Is everyone else all right?"

"Someone left a dog up there but I'm pretty sure they were eaten by something else before the battle instead of being sucked into the hole. The earthquakes it set off weren't that bad." She nodded once, looking down. "We're all hoping for peace for at least a month. Even the local vampire groups are swearing they'll order in."

"Might be a good idea," Buffy admitted.

The demon leaned down to look at her. "Boys like Xander go to the gym to beat a heavy bag when they're like this. Perhaps it will help you too," he said quietly. Then he nodded at Faith. "I'm glad you're fine, Slayer Faith. Many see you as a beacon of hope. After all, you broke but you got fixed. They can do it for more minor things like addictions." He disappeared.

"I'm a role model?" Faith asked, looking confused.

"Yeah, you are. You're stronger than I am," Buffy said. "I nearly got lost from losing my mom. You've seen worse and were still mostly okay." She hugged her. Then she went to the gym to work out. Maybe it'd help.

Faith still looked confused but went to talk to Gunn and Connor. "The community's going to hold an honoring event tomorrow."

"I'll find out when," Gunn said. "You good? I'm making margarita frozen ice drinks."

"I could use one but they'll pee test."

Gunn nodded. "I get that. Here, have one without the alcohol." She smiled and took it to sip. Gunn sipped his own, letting Connor grab one as he wandered past. "We're having an honoring event tomorrow."

"I heard the demon," he admitted. "I was showering." He walked off, going to the karaoke bar to calm down. Lorne was good at that. His bar always felt soothing to him.


Xander walked into the community center, going up to add a name to the sign in the front. Everyone stared at him but oh well. "Spike was taken hostage and tortured but he closed it so it can't reopen. He deserves just as much honoring."

The minister nodded. "I hadn't heard but you're right, Xander. Go sit." Xander went to sit down near the back. The slayers came in together. Buffy cracked, letting out a small sob as she read the signs. She handed the minister pictures of those girls and Gunn's people. He attached them to the signs. "Thank you, Slayer Summers."

"They deserve it. We don't have one of Spike."

"I have an old one from Angel's stuff," Connor said, handing it over. The minister smiled at him for that, hanging it up. They sat down, looking around. Connor spotted Xander in the back, getting a nod back. When the agent tried to interrupt, Xander hauled him out to beat him.

"I thought he didn't show up," Buffy said quietly. "It's good he's here." She looked at the other slayers then at the other demons. Xander came back in and sat down again. She looked back but he was stretching his neck. The minister cleared his throat and started the service.

Xander walked out first after it was done, staring at the two agents out there. "How dare he disrespect them by showing up at their funerals," he said quietly in a growl. "They didn't lose their life defending all of you to be disrespected that way." He walked past them.

"Sir, we'd like to ask you a few questions."

"Talk to my lawyer," Xander shot back.

"That's going to make things harder."

Xander looked at them. "Really? You just threatened me at a funeral for the people that lost their lives defending all of you? Some of which I knew pretty damn well." They both stepped back. "You know what, from now on any agents need to find my lawyer first. I used to help you guys but now...no. Because you're miserable human beings. Otherwise you wouldn't be lurking outside a funeral."

"You did beat an agent."

"Then arrest me. I can pay bail," Xander said dryly. "And I'll damn sure make sure *everyone* knows how disrespectful you were to the ones that fell. Let's see how good of community outreach you have when you're shown to be tactless assholes." He stared at them. "Well? If you're going to arrest me, come on. Not like I'm avoiding it." He held out his hands. "C'mon if you're coming. If not, I don't want to hear another damn thing about this."

"Xander," Faith said. "Making them mad won't help any."

Xander looked at her. "You should get out of the way before they decide we're friends, Faith."

She nodded. "Could be but I've been inside. It's a quiet place to think."

"I have a lake cabin for that." She smirked. "And I'm about to deal with things in a way that would make people think I'm evil." The agents stepped back, forcing smiles. "Well? Are we going to arrest me for beating that tactless wonder?"

"No," one said. "We'd still like to ask you a few questions though. Like how the bodies reappeared."

"I asked for a favor. No one should have to mourn without a body. It makes it harder on everyone. Especially since some of them had families. They deserved better than to die for the thankless assholes that have been plaguing us all for the last few days. Next time, maybe the military and you guys should fall in too. We won't always be here to save your asses." He walked off. "Faith, come for dinner sometime soon?"

"I can do that. Let me know when you get back from that cabin."

Xander shrugged without turning. "Maybe. Right now I just want a heavy bag. I hate being jaded about humanity. It's like some of them ask to be unprotected so they can die as a way of giving others a way to bitch." He got into his car and sped off.

Faith looked at the agents. "You're damn lucky, boys. Sorry but this is not the time and you knew that when you showed up. Have some respect. Not even the assholes who picket from that church are as disrespectful as you guys are." She walked off, following Buffy to the van they had rented. Buffy stared at her. "If they violate my parole for speaking my mind, I'll go back to finish my last few years," she said with a shrug. "They deserve to hear it."

"Yeah, they did. Mom would've ripped them to shreds with her nails and tongue. I don't have that skill." She leaned on Gunn's shoulder. "The real funerals?" she asked quietly.

"Later this week. We've already filed charges to get one girl's back from the ones that wanted to keep her to examine in closer detail. The judge was disgusted with them for it." He patted her on the knee. "We'll be okay. If not, you can go hit another hellmouth or travel. We'll guard Faith." She grinned at him. "A few of the guys really want to spar with you."

"It's a good thing. I could use some good sparring time."

"And food," Buffy said. "You're still skinny."

"It happens. I'll put it back on this month. The chow's better out here."

Gunn nodded. "Yes it is." They went back to the office, letting the two slayers go deal with the young ones that were going home in a few days. They were calling their parents to see if it was safe to come home. If there weren't any parents, they were calling others to see what was going on. Giles was helping with that.


TJ knocked, staring at Xander when he opened the door. "It's been a week. I knew you were alive because the press caught you teaching someone manners for interrupting a community funeral." Xander shrugged but pulled him in to hug. TJ felt the first sob happen and got them onto the couch to hold him. It was all a boyfriend could do. Once Xander was calmer, he helped him into the huge tub he had so they could soak with some wine and just be there quietly. TJ turned on a jazz station since Xander had a streaming music player in there. He turned it down so it was background noise. Then they cuddled. Xander needed him and he was there for that. His mother hadn't even nagged him about it. She'd nag when he didn't make it to her event in two days.


Gunn got a call. "It's me." He listened then nodded. "That's a great thing, Craig. Thanks for letting me know. Yeah, we're not going to bother Xander until he's calm anyway. Yeah, it's all good. Thanks, man." He hung up. "TJ's back," he told the staring young woman.

Buffy nodded. "That's good for him. He needs someone like TJ. So do I." She walked off frowning. Her sister gave her a pointed look. "Xander's boyfriend is back."


"I could use one of those."

Dawn nodded. "Yes you could." Buffy rolled her eyes as she walked off. "Maybe when I'm in college you can hit on a college guy again."

"Maybe," Buffy said. "It might be nice. And hey, the invasion was moved up so it's not next year." She went to sit outside on the roof. It was a pretty afternoon for it.

Dawn shook her head, signing Buffy up on a dating site. It could only help her. Plus she sent a message to a hunter she knew to see if anyone wanted her sister. At least they'd understand her.

Gunn walked out of the office, staring at her. "What are you doing?"

"Sending the hunters network news that Buffy's looking for a real boyfriend again and signing her up on OK Cupid." She grinned. "She could use it."

"She probably could." He went to the kitchen, smiling for the first time in a while. Dawn was a zany breath of hyper air at times. It was good to have around. Thankfully she went to back to school in three days before they were driven nuts by so much fresh oxygen.

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