Voracity's New Realms
New Realms of Imaginings

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We are the home of 1 author - Voracity.
There are 245 stories consisting of 563 chapters and 8298606 words.


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A Mother Is A Mother is a Mother. FRT
So there's the prophecy. But there's also a vision that points at a horrible...

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Soulmates? Hell Yeah! FRM
The ending of that trilogy. They finally work a lot of things out, including...

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by Voracity2 [Reviews - 0]
Summary: James needs a sudden plan, one where his son will be saved from Lily's sister when he learns about a vision Remus had. What does he do? He uses a pureblood tradition against itself and against the wizarding world to protect his son. Because if anyone can get his son safely to someone who isn't Dumbledore, it's that mother. Thankfully, that stepmother is a real Mother in many meanings of the word and will love Harry.
Category: Non-Buffy Stories & Crossovers > Harry Potter
Characters: None
Stories: 1

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Title: Mildly Kinky
by Voracity2 [Reviews - 18]
Summary: Darcy Lewis does have a life outside the lab, and it's a bit kinky and a bit fun. rnrnHET!
Category: Buffy Stories & Crossovers > Avengers
Characters: None
Stories: 12

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Title: Mine!
by Voracity2 [Reviews - 0]
Summary: To change a horrible future, someone made a wish that got Xander deputized. So he has to make a major change and make a few vows.
Category: Buffy Stories & Crossovers > Avengers
Characters: None
Stories: 3

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