Voracity's New Realms
New Realms of Imaginings

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We are the home of 1 author - Voracity.
There are 231 stories consisting of 526 chapters and 7821061 words.


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Congrats, We All Have Blood. FRT
Blood issues reveal relatives, problems, and decisions that no one really likes.

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Name: cacaliadragon (Signed) · Date: 12/21/2018 12:46 pm · For: Chapter 1

Hi longtime no review. I have been pretty ill for awhile and it made me unable to really enjoy reading, but now that I am better I get to read all of the lovely stories I missed.  


Lavelle has slwalw been one of my favorite Xanders and the thought of the chaos he infected the other Xanders realms with is awesome! 




Author's Response: :: flailing in happiness:: you're better!?! Lavelle is one of my favorites too. His dirty mind is great for lubing other's naughtiness. Glad you liked this one, Calia

Name: goblin214 (Signed) · Date: 03/19/2018 05:16 am · For: Chapter 1
I loved this and how they reacted to Lavelle in the other Xander's dimensions.

Author's Response: well, lavelle isn't really the usual xander, but he does love being a shit to those who underestimate his other selves. and he had fun, which is the important thing.

Name: Ladyholder (Signed) · Date: 03/18/2018 08:52 am · For: part 2
Oh, lovely!
I laughed a lot at this. Thank you

Author's Response: You're welcome. that's what i was going for.

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