Reviews For Two Harrises and Two Halves (and A Convention)
Name: erik (Signed) · Date: 02/05/2022 06:27 pm · For: Part 2
Another entertaining installment with a Teaser about Strike and how things were different.
Author's Response: ::Giggling:: those two siblings, or later three, are enough to change things and drive one nuts while they do it!
Name: leopard_2010 (Signed) · Date: 05/20/2020 06:59 pm · For: Part 1
I love Xander & Darcy as siblings, and combined with the convention: a sign of Armageddon? For some people maybe ;-)
Author's Response: I think Godly Phil should call together a convention of groups that would have to handle things with or for a xander in their worlds. Let them horrify each other with stories.But they do make good siblings.