Reviews For I'm Mildly Kinky, But Fun.
Name: erik (Signed) · Date: 05/23/2020 04:52 pm · For: Part 3
A well written story that has an interesting look at the healing side. And Mew Mew was just plan funny.
Author's Response: Mew Mew is going to be going on through the whole series, but I'm glad you liked it. vo
Name: EM1 (Signed) · Date: 05/23/2020 11:53 am · For: Part 3
I have such a soft spot for your take on Darcy but I'm also enjoying your take on the other characters, especially Clint, Loki and Mjolnir (has me giggling each time).
Author's Response: Mjolnir will have a lot to 'say' in the next few parts too.but i'm glad you liked it.