Voracity's New Realms
New Realms of Imaginings

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We are the home of 1 author - Voracity.
There are 210 stories consisting of 493 chapters and 7394455 words.


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Minions of Chaos. FRT
Coulson's healing. Things are a bit weird around Xander. Then another GHS...

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Name: erik (Signed) · Date: 01/31/2022 11:21 pm · For: The Son of Jane Foster.
Great fun.

Author's Response: that kid is going to be one little hellion when he runs into his father when he's an adult.

Name: erik (Signed) · Date: 07/03/2021 01:33 pm · For: The Son of Jane Foster.
Great writing with a storyline I haven't come across before. Well done and thank you.

Author's Response: You're welcome. That is giung to be one future fu kid.

Name: leopard_2010 (Signed) · Date: 06/25/2021 07:55 am · For: The Son of Jane Foster.
I second the idea of goblin with a poop portal to Thor.
Xander & Darcy against Thor: Let's do it!

Author's Response: ::snickering::

Name: goblin214 (Signed) · Date: 05/15/2021 11:01 pm · For: The Son of Jane Foster.
I love this and would love to see eric form a portal to the wherever Thor is especially if he is in the throne room and everyone sees it and projectile poop on him LOL.

Author's Response: his stepdaddy would definitely encourage that!

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