Voracity's New Realms
New Realms of Imaginings

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We are the home of 1 author - Voracity.
There are 223 stories consisting of 511 chapters and 7606091 words.


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Telling Tales As Old As Time. FRT
Xander's visions lead him to stop some things that the PTB put in motion. He...

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Let's Go Somewhere Else. FRM
Xander's new life, in his very own kingdom, isn't what everyone would expect...

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Name: goblin214 (Signed) · Date: 06/28/2024 03:50 am · For: part 3
I love snarky Darcy, and I would love to see more of her and Cancer and Tony's adventures especially if the slay group find out he has been a spy for years when he is "just normal". Talk about the freak outs Buffy and willow would have.

Author's Response: oh, yeah, there's more. at least two more. and they ignored it so hard that they went all the way back around to denial. the slayers were hiding it from them to keep down the complaints. then someone made him see it by being classy, noble, and showing up to tell him in person. with files. giles was not amused. but i'm glad you liked it!

Name: erik (Signed) · Date: 06/24/2024 03:29 pm · For: part 3
Interesting that the President is one of the few that seems to be informed about what is real and not what is wishful thinking. Is this VR?

And again I am sorry that you reached an end point. Thank you for the great story.

Author's Response: there's a few more for this series. don't worry about that. as for the president, he's telling people what they want to hear. he knows and realizes, and still hates heroes/slayers/vigilantes, but if he admits that he knows, and knows about statesmen, that'll let out classified information or just stuff that others don't need to hear. or want to hear in some cases. he's trying to play mental chess and it's partially working in his case but he still wants the guardians movement to take out everyone that's not agents. he's part of the group that was mentioned as this universe's version of the trust from SGC. he was hoping to make an officially sponsored version some year, though that doesn't come out in later parts as far as i've written. and for a while he was a skrull too. but i'm glad you liked it. vo

Name: erik (Signed) · Date: 06/24/2024 03:27 pm · For: part 2
I think this is the first story I've read that had other agencies actually dealing with the incursion and then you throw lawyers into the mix. Also, a nice nod to Ducky's history.

Author's Response: yeah, that's a long term shot from wolfram and hart to get powerful artifacts, and they think they can manipulate hydra from the inside. not a plot from the upper board but from some of the lower toadies that want power too. like if your parasitic infection had its own parasitic infection in that case. and ducky's history is left vague but interesting. even in later parts of this series. was he a spy? not sure. and he'll never admit to more than he knew a few back in the day. but did he do spy work? he'll never tell. and realistically all the other agencies would need to handle some of it. they had people involved. a lot of people involved. the intelligence network is fractured but it has a cast around it, and the cast isn't really pleased to be so supportive.

Name: erik (Signed) · Date: 06/24/2024 03:23 pm · For: Part 1
Another fun merging of the weird nornals.

Author's Response: thank you!

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