Reviews For A Toddler (Future) Hero
Name: Ambrosine (Signed) · Date: 06/17/2014 04:00 am · For: Part 2
I admit that when I saw the dog's name and the reference picture, I thought she was going to be a Stark-made protector.
I guess it was the glowing green eyes :)
Author's Response: i guess he could've made him one. maybe when bionic's too old to follow alex around, or for date nights.
Name: cacaliadragon (Signed) · Date: 06/16/2014 12:41 pm · For: Part 2
This was adorable. I loved the chaos that followed Alex and the fact that Faith was his Guardian Angel was fantastic.
Author's Response: he definitely needs one sometimes. some day they'll make him fall out of his old modes. hopefully.
Name: DennSedai (Signed) · Date: 06/15/2014 02:52 am · For: Part 2
*cackles* I can only imagine the hell of a teenage Alex *grins*
Author's Response: i'm not sure if i'll follow it that far but maybe. and yeah, him and his shiny collection and trying to find someone who isn't scared of his parents....