Reviews For A Meeting of the Fabulous Minds.
Name: cacaliadragon (Signed) · Date: 09/26/2015 02:19 pm · For: A Meeting of the Fabulous Minds.
I loved this and really needed it. Everytime I read about Comic GHS Xander I keep seeing him, Peter Parker, and Logan becoming friends and scaring everyone. I have no idea why, but baby Xander is adorable and all of the Xander's together is always hilarious. It was great to see some of my favorite Xander's in this one.
Author's Response: you're welcome and i'm pretty sure comic shop owning xander would freak out a bit then just 'eeh, no weirder than sam or demons' them.and yeah, a baby xander is adorkable.
Name: Ladyholder (Signed) · Date: 09/19/2015 11:49 pm · For: A Meeting of the Fabulous Minds.
That was very cute.
Thank you!
Author's Response: welcome. the xander conventions are often some of the most squee fest there is.