Voracity's New Realms
New Realms of Imaginings

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We are the home of 1 author - Voracity.
There are 225 stories consisting of 517 chapters and 7707223 words.


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Important Group Meetings. FRM
So there's a problem going on, called Guardians. Who want to be Xander but...

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Congrats, It's A Huge Catastrophe, Maybe Even An Apocalypse FRM
Some people decide that it'd be better if the slayers were protected by official...

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Reviews For Chaos, Magnified.

Name: cacaliadragon (Signed) · Date: 08/23/2015 02:46 pm · For: Part 3

This was hilarious! Those tentacles are evil, but most everyone deserves the fallout. I loved the multiple groups together.




Author's Response: The tentacles are very mean but I think Odin and a few others have earned them curing their stress causing problems. the groups are fun together. Vecchio and kowalski will both quit having migraines from the hangovers a mini xander caused in a few weeks too.

Name: DennSedai (Signed) · Date: 08/21/2015 03:10 pm · For: Part 3
*cackles madly* A wonderful update and I'm so glad to have inspired some of the madness as well. *passes over the plate of guilt free goodies*

Author's Response: thanks for the goodies, i could use them. and you're welcome. you've inspired more than one over the years. glad you liked it, dennis.

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