Voracity's New Realms
New Realms of Imaginings

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We are the home of 1 author - Voracity.
There are 233 stories consisting of 537 chapters and 7981376 words.


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The Author of Revenge FRT
Harry didn't live. So why are there books about Harry Potter?

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Hunting Bears. FRT
Xander has to deal with things after talking to himself. Oh how the others...

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Title: The Author of Revenge by Voracity2 New!
Rated: FRT [Reviews - 0]
Summary: Harry didn't live. So why are there books about Harry Potter?
Category: Non-Buffy Stories & Crossovers > Harry Potter
Characters: None
Series: None
Chapters: 7 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 106333 | Read count: 9628

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Published: 12/21/2024 | Updated: 12/21/2024

Title: Pure As Gold, Strong As Brass. by Voracity2
Rated: FRC [Reviews - 0]
Summary: Hermione has an allergy to certain types of magic. It means she must keep her magic pure from some influences and types of magic. A lot of people do not like that. Including the headmaster. Pity for him, he keeps forgetting how stubborn teenagers can become.
Category: Non-Buffy Stories & Crossovers > Harry Potter
Characters: None
Series: None
Chapters: 4 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 57175 | Read count: 12423

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Published: 11/15/2024 | Updated: 11/15/2024

Title: The Daughter She Knows Not. by Voracity2
Rated: FRT [Reviews - 0]
Summary: Darcy is the product of Hermione Granger's fling at the end of the war. She was a happy daughter, with a slight anxiety issue, until a problem sent her back in time. So now Hermione's got a full grown daughter, a semi-grandchild named Jane Foster, and the Ministry is trying to backslide if she doesn't stop it.
Category: Non-Buffy Stories & Crossovers > Avengers, Non-Buffy Stories & Crossovers > Harry Potter
Characters: None
Series: None
Chapters: 2 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 31483 | Read count: 131907

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Published: 09/15/2024 | Updated: 09/15/2024