Voracity's New Realms
New Realms of Imaginings

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We are the home of 1 author - Voracity.
There are 231 stories consisting of 526 chapters and 7821061 words.


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Telling Tales As Old As Time. FRT
Xander's visions lead him to stop some things that the PTB put in motion. He...

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The Seven Goddesses by Voracity2
[ - ]
Summary: The Seven Goddesses are absolute. But there's prophecies involved. Will include multiple fandoms and time periods.
Categories: Non-Buffy Stories & Crossovers, Buffy Stories & Crossovers
Characters: None
Parent Series: None
Stories: 1
Series Type: Closed

Title: From Ancient Times Past Comes News. by Voracity2
Rated: FRT [Reviews - 0]
Summary: The prequel to the longer changer story. How they got to the point of the purple people killer.
Category: Non-Buffy Stories & Crossovers > Other Movie, Non-Buffy Stories & Crossovers > Herc/Xena-verse
Characters: None
Series: The Seven Goddesses
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 11753 | Read count: 6689

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Published: 03/17/2024 | Updated: 03/17/2024